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Sparks on Sparks 


Spread light together to fight the dark âœ¨ðŸ˜·ðŸ’ªðŸ¤Ÿ

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To brighten someone's day:


👉 Text SPARK to 213-423-4256


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You'll also help grow the map of light above


"add your light to the sum of lights" - ancient polynesian folklore 





Things to do together while apart

Enjoy experiences and create memories together

no matter where you are


Go to the Opera together 

Now's your chance to be cultured from your couches! The NY Met is streaming performances. Make a night of it and have pre-theater dinner via video.

Thoughtfulness everywhere

Moments of kindness and light from around the globe 🌎✨ 

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A former homeless man turns his car dealership into a shelter in North Carolina



Never forget where you came from, even when you have nowhere to go.

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Got something to share?

Send us your ideas, inspiration, and stories of caring from afar by emailing us at


a note from our team​

We built this site because we want to celebrate and support one another now, more than ever.  We can still stay close even if we can’t get close -- sharing knowledge, encouragement, memories and smiles. 


We’re a Boston-based MIT-grown AI startup with a product in early beta tests, but we’ve shifted our focus to try to be of help NOW through these mind-spinning times. 


The point of this site is to provide comfort, ideas, knowledge, joy, fun -- it isn’t to make light of something serious, but to be light-hearted and help you to spread and show care to others and to yourself. 


If nothing else, hopefully this site serves as a little mind-break.  And, our inbox is always open, reach out if we can be a partner to you in any way. 


Let's showcase care for one another. After all, especially in hard times:

“To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of arts.” Thoreau


Lastly, wondering why our company is aptly called Pluto? 

Half of Pluto is in the shape of a heart …. Pluto may be far away -- like you right now -- but has a lot of love and we bring you back into orbit.


Looking forward to making some space together and staying in (sanitized) orbit with one another :-) 


Shana + the Plutonauts


CEO + CoFounder of Pluto

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